Alivio Downsizing

The Clutterbug Method – Take the Quiz!

Have you heard of the Clutterbug organizing method, based on the idea that everyone has a unique organizing style and that understanding your personal style can help you declutter and maintain an organized home more effectively. The method categorizes people…

Pack Smart, Move Smart

Tips for Efficient Packing and Moving 📦 Expert Tips to Pack Smart and Make Your Move Easier. Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially when it comes to packing up your entire life into boxes. Fortunately, with a…

Springtime Moves for Seniors
The Benefits of Springtime Moves for Seniors

As we welcome the arrival of Spring, there is a sense of rejuvenation and transformation in the air. For seniors, the benefits of moving during this time of year can be particularly advantageous.

Tips for a Smoother, Less Stressful Move

Moving seniors can be quite different from previous moves experienced because of extra elements involved, such as health, mobility, vision, time restrictions, and home size. Preparing before can be the difference between a happy move, where everything goes smoothly and…

How to Have a Smooth Transition into a Retirement Community

The move from living at home to living in a Retirement Community is a big step for everyone involved.  Undoubtedly, it will be a change for family members and friends.  However, it is important to remember one thing. The person who…